Friday 31 July 2009

Rohan Online

Rohan Open Beta

Pastinya kalian telah menunggu untuk kembali bermain dalam dunia Rohan yang keras dan menantang bukan?06 Agustus 2009.

kami ingin mengingatkan bahwa:
1. Open Beta dimulai pada tanggal 6 agustus 2009 Pukul 12.00 WIB pada siang hari ^^
2. Bagi kalian yang belum memiliki ID untuk bermain Rohan Online indonesia bisa mendapatkan ID LYTOGAME dengan melakukan klik DISINI
Dan bagi kalian yang sudah memiliki ID LYTOGAME jangan lupa untuk mengaktifkan ID Rohan Online juga ya~
3.Pada Open Beta nanti, server Rohan Online Indonesia akan dibuka sebanyak 2 server yaitu:
- Hercules
- Zeus (server ini yang kalian mainkan selama Close Beta)
4. Jika kalian belum memiliki Client Rohan Online Indonesia, kalian bisa mendapatkannya di agen resmi LYTO terdekat dan juga game-on.
Atau kalian juga bisa mendownload Client Rohan Online Indonesia DISINI

Jangan sampai ketinggalan untuk menjelajahi Dunia Rohan Online yang seru dan menantang, dan jangan lupa ajak teman-temanmu untuk berpetualang bersama

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Warhammer Online

Champions Online

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RF Online has a compelling player-versus-player component, but the rest of the game is tedious and uninspired.
The Good

* Unique player-versus-player dynamic
* Three playable races to choose from
* Good music.

The Bad

* Low-level quests are generic and boring
* Traveling around the world is painfully slow
* Very little variety in terms of items, quests, classes, and enemies
* Bland environments.

As full as the market is for massively multiplayer online role-playing games, it seems that there are always plenty of people who are looking for something new.

At least, that's what Codemasters is hoping for with its first foray into the world of massively multiplayer games, Rising Force Online. Although the game is your standard MMOG for the most part, it has one significantly unique design element that sets it apart from the crowd.

You can choose from three different races: the Bellatos, the Corites, and the Accretians.

RF Online is a sci-fi themed massively multiplayer role-playing game that you can play for the price of $50 for the game and $15 a month.

It takes place in the galaxy of Novus, where a perpetual war wages between three playable factions: the industrious Bellatos, the mystical Corites, and the mechanical Accretians.
The three factions fight for control of the Crag mine core, which produces rich ores that provide economic sustenance.
The problem is that there's an epic beast, known as the Holystone Keeper, guarding the mine core at all times. The Holystone Keeper can't be killed, and he will instantly destroy anyone who approaches the mine core. Luckily, the monster can be temporarily fooled into befriending one particular race, depending on the outcome of the most recent chip war. Chip wars happen three times a day, every eight hours.

A chip war is a free-for-all, player-versus-player conflict where control of the mine core is temporarily up for grabs. Each faction has a chip control tower, and the first faction to destroy one of its enemies' towers wins the war and gains the good graces of the Holystone Keeper, effectively gaining a monopoly on mining the core for a period of time.

How long that monopoly lasts depends on the health of the victorious faction's own control tower at the end of the war. However, the last person to hit the destroyed control tower can attempt to run the chip back to the mine core. If successful, his or her faction will get a full seven hours to mine under the protection of the Keeper.
It sounds like a lot of work just for the sake of digging some ore out of the ground, especially since you don't actually need control of the core in order to mine.

But the huge mining bonus you get for controlling the core, plus the morale boost you get from a victory, makes it worth your while to enlist. Large scale player-versus-player warfare is an appealing concept, and while the frenzied chaos of the battles can be exciting if you're well equipped, you aren't required to participate. In fact, you have to be at least level 25 before you can even damage a control tower, which makes these daily battles somewhat exclusive. You can participate in a player-versus-player battle at any level, but unless you're around level 30 or higher, you won't stand much of a chance.
Even high-level characters can expect to die often in chip wars.
Luckily, the only penalty for dying at the hands of another player is respawning at one of your faction's bases and having to run back to the battlefield.

If you kill an enemy, you earn contribution points, which are used to determine your rank among all the players in your faction, and the highest ranking players for each faction get special leadership privileges. This race warfare isn't limited to chip wars, either.
You'll often run into members of opposing factions in the course of completing quests. You can kill other players as you see them or even go hunting for them if you're looking to earn more contribution points.

There are certain areas in the game that are more heavily contested than others, so it's usually fairly easy to avoid getting trounced by other players if you want to. It does seem unbalanced that there's no apparent penalty for simply picking off low-level players, and you'll often see people thrashing players who are away from their computers.
The Holystone Keeper can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you aren't into the player-versus-player style of combat, there are plenty of giant bugs, overgrown reptiles, and other exotic creatures to do battle with. You'll get very familiar with all the wildlife in the first half of the game, because almost every quest you get until you reach level 25 just involves killing 20 of these, 10 of those, and so on.

The quests and rewards are sent directly to you, so you don't have to bother tracking down a non-playable character. You can check your journal to find out exactly where you need to go to find the creature you need to kill. It's convenient, but the lack of any context for the quests makes them feel entirely perfunctory. Occasionally you'll get some background information about why the quest is necessary, but it's never very compelling.
Capturing 20 of a certain type of creature to help some scientist compile a report on the natural history of the planet is a pretty flimsy story to begin with, but when you get several quests with the same story, it just starts to feel lazy. There's no attempt to disguise the fact that the quests are simply there to make you to grind your way through level after level.

It would be just as easy to turn you loose at the beginning of the game and say, " get="" level="" 25="" can="" participate="" player="" it="" also="" doesn="" t="" help="" that="" race="" gets="" so="" even="" if="" create="" multiple="" you="" pretty="" much="" have="" to="" play="" game="" in="" the="" exact="" same="" way="" every="">

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Hello. Sudah lama saya tidak mengupdate blog, Nah pada postingan kali ini saya akan memposting cara bermain GTA SanAndreas secara online dengan IndoGamers. Nah step-stepnya tidak terlalu susah. Ini dia cara conect ke server IndoGamer. Berikut langkah-langkahnya,

- Bagi yang sudah punya GTA SanAndreas download patch ini agar GTA Online dan connect ke Server IndoGamer Samp.exe

- Bagi yang belum memiliki GTA SanAndreas bisa beli atau sewa atau download lewat indowebster Dijamin kenceng^

(Baca Selengkapnya-->>)
Thursday 30 July 2009

DotA Basic Information

The objective of DotA Allstars is to destroy the opposing teams Ancient. If you're the Sentinel, your objective is to destroy the Frozen Throne. If you're the Scourge, you need to destroy the World Tree.

When the game starts, the host (red player) first chooses the game mode (more info below). Now, you have either choosen a hero, or been given one by random. Then it's time to buy items, and select which one of the three lanes you want to go; Upper left, bottom right, or in the middle. At each camps side, Sentinel and Scourge, theres a barrack at the beginning of the lane, sending creeps down the lane towards the opponents base. You earn extra gold and experience when killing the opposing teams creeps.

Theres 6 towers placed at each lane, 3 to each side, Sentinel and Scourge. These towers are really powerful in the beginning, but later in the game, it's up to the heroes of each team to destroy them, and push with the forces down the lanes. By killing enemy heroes, you gain extra gold, and experience, to help you further push down the lanes. With your gold, you can improve your hero with many different items, where theres a wide range between the power and prices.

Check out our DotA Allstars Tactics article >>

DotA Items
There's a wide variety of items in DotA Allstars. In order to make the most powerful items, you must combine items, and merge them inte new ones using Recipes. There are four merchants selling recipes in each base.

Level 1 Human Recipes
Level 2 Orc Recipes
Level 3 Night Elf Recipes
Level 4 Undead Recipes

The higher level on the recipes, the more the items needed cost, as well as how powerful the items get. Sometimes, you don't need to buy the recipes, since the items merge by themselves. Otherwise, you need to buy the recipe.

Since the DotA Allstars homepage got a complete items listing, we won't bother to put one up here, we just go over the basics.

Offical DotA Homepage - Items database >>

DotA Powerups
Five different types of powerups exist in DotA, and only one at a time, and they may pop up on the two different places along the river, at the points between the three different lanes.

The different Powerups are :

Invisibility Rune : Works great for either sneaking up on unsuspecting heroes, or retreating. The invisibility lasts X seconds, or if the hero takes any damage.

Double Damage Rune : Hero killing rune. Can be used with an great effect with other damaging abilities or items, i.e. Svens God's Strength. Lasts X seconds.

Regeneration Rune : Sometimes, you want to avoid going all the way back to the base to heal, then this rune works perfectly. Also, when retreaing, this may give you the boost to survive, or, even turn the tides. Lasts X seconds, or if the hero takes any damage.

Haste : Maximazes movement speed. Can be a real pain, since you almost can't retreat from a hero with haste. Can also be used to quickly head to the base to buy, or heal. Lasts X seconds.

Illusion : Creates an Illusion of your hero, that deals a less damage than your hero, and takes extra damage. The Illusion does only have passive abilities from the real hero.

All of the powerups are very powerful, and players should be aware that, almost anytime, a hero whith haste may come running, so it's best to always be prepared. Powerups can be disabled by host typing in the nopowerup game mode (-np).


DotA Allstars Game modes
There's several different game modes in DotA Allstars, where the most popular ones are Allrandom (-ar) and Allpick (-ap). The game mode is selected by the host (blue).

Primary game modes:
You can only select ONE primary game in the beginning of each DotA game.

* Allrandom (-ar) : All players recieve a random hero from both the Sentinels and the Scourges taverns

* Allpick (-ap) : Players pick from both the Sentinels and the Scourges taverns

* Teamrandom (-tr) : All players recieve a random hero from their own teams taverns (i.e. Sentinel or Scourge).

* Mode random (-mr) : The game randomly selects either:

Allrandom, Allpick, Teamrandom, or a normal game; Teampick

* Vote random (-vr) : The game randomly selects 3 combinations of heroes that is displayed to both teams. Then both teams vote for the hero combination they want to use. The combinations are showed like this:

"X, X, X, X, X vs. X, X, X, X, X" (the X represent a random hero).

To vote for a option, a player must write: "-option #" (the # represent the number of the option, ranging from 1 to 3)

* Leaguemode (-lm) : In league mode, there must be 10 players, and you cannot select any other game mode except Shuffle Players. Leaguemode is the same way as Allpick, but there is a special picking order.

The team that gets to start picking is random, which has recently been changed (v6.35)

Here's the picking order >>

Secondary game modes
Many secondary game modes can be combined in a DotA game. We've divided the secondary game modes into three groups, so that you can easily navigate.

Major Secondary game modes:
These game modes are are a bit more advanced. They cannot be combined with eachother. Deathmatch has some restrictions due to the need to use many heroes.

* Deathmatch (-dm) : When you die, you get a new hero (selected/randomed depending on the game mode). Items and experience are kept.

Cannot be combined with All Strength/Agility/Intelligence, Teamrandom, Mode random.

* Mirror Match (-mm) : Requires same amount fo players in each team. After the first game minute, each player pair,
Blue - Pink, Teal - Gray, Purple - Light blue, Yellow - Dark Green, Orange - Brown,
will have one of their heroes replaced with the other. In the end, each player pair has the same hero, i.e. the teams will have the same matchup.

* Same Hero (-sh) : All players will have the Hero that Blue picks.

Minor Secondary game modes:
These DotA game modes works with all other game modes, as well as with eachother.

* Easymode (-em) : Towers are weaker, experience is gained faster, and you get more periodic gold.

* Duplicatemode (-du) Let the same heroes be picked/randomed multiple times.

* Shuffle Players (-sp) : Shuffles around all the players randomly. This includes your colour and which side your on.

* Item Drop (-id) : When your hero die, a random slot in your inventory will drop whatever it holds. If no item is in the randomed slot, nothing happens. Gold is no longer lost when you die.

* No Powerups (-np) : Disables all the different powerup runes in DotA.

* Super Creeps (-sc) : Random Super creeps will spawn between set intervals.

* Terrain snow (-ts, -terrainsnow) : Changes the terrain to a snowy landscape, who will be the survivor of this landscape? Just kidding, gameplay is the same...mostly.

Attribute Secondary game modes:
These DotA game modes cannot be combined with eachother, as well as the Deathmatch mode.

* All Strength (-as) : Only heroes with Strength as primary attribute allowed.

* All Agility (-aa) : Only heroes with Agility as primary attribute allowed.

* All Intelligence (-ai) : Only heroes with Intelligence as primary attribute allowed.

DotA Player Commands
These DotA commands can be used anytime during the game by any player.

* Repick (-repick) : Repick your hero for 150 gold. In Teamrandom and Allrandom, the gold cost is 400

* Random (-random) : Select a random hero, giving the advantage of no money loss (picking a hero costs 250 gold)

* Swaphero (-swaphero) : Brings up a menu over your teams heroes. Select one and if that player agrees, you will swap heroes. Can only be used during the first 90 seconds

* Movement Speed (-ms) : Displays the current movement Speed of your hero

* Matchup (-ma) : Displays which opponent controls which hero

* Creeps Stats (-cs) : Displays a message of the amount of Creeps killed, and the amount of Denies

* Creeps Stats Board on/off (-cson/-csoff) : Displays a board over the Creep Stats

* Hide/Unhide Hero Death Messages (-hidemsg/-unhidemsg) : Hides/Unhides the hero death message spam

Help Commands
These commands does'nt need to be used in most games. Refresh is used automatically and thereby does not need to be typed.

Refresh (-refresh) : Refreshes PA’s blur so that if you were visible you will become transparent again. This does not affect evasion in any way

Unstuck (-unstuck) : Channels for 60 seconds, then moves your hero back to your base

Recreate (-recreate) : Available for N’aix, Terrorblade, Dragon Knight and Banehallow. Use when close to the fountain if you have lost control of your hero (metamorphosis problem). 200 seconds channeling

Disable Help (-disablehelp) : Makes Chen’s Test of Faith (teleports you back to base) unable to teleport you

Enable Help (-enablehelp) : If -disablehelp has been activated, -enablehelp will make Chen’s Test of Faith able to teleport you again

Game Info (-gameinfo) : Displays some information on the different game modes that are used.


DotA is probably the best WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne map ever. A great variety of game modes, a very rich sortiment of items, 79 different heroes, each with carefully designed abilities to fit the hero. Balance changes are made often, to make sure that every hero have the chance to be great in the hands of a good player.

The DotA community has expanded a lot, and continue to grow all the time. Leagues and tournaments are played. Many professional gamers have formed teams, and started devoting their time to DotA. In the middle of this, I, an average DotA player (almost) am trying to describe it, and give comments about it. I am not worthy!

Pros +

* 25 Hero levels
* 4 levels on the abilities and 3 levels on the Ultimate
* Map is being balanced and bugs fixed with each new version
* Currently 77 custom heroes evenly distributed between Scourge an Sentinel
* Well made and varying abilities
* You can build many different kinds of weapons and items
* Many different game modes

Cons -

* Leaving players (though it does'nt have anything to do with the map)
* Too addictive (seriously!)

If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to post it at our DotA ForDoum >>

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The Naruto Anime series centers itself around The Hidden Leaf Villages number one abnoxious ninja, Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto has high goals in life, his dream is to become the Villages Hokage, which is the number one Ninja in the village. However, this will not be an easy goal for Naruto.

He has an Evil Demon Fox sealed inside of him, The Demon Fox once terrorized the village and killed many people before the 4th Hokage sealed it inside the belly of a new born child.

Most of the people in the villege can not look past that, and do not like Nartuo at all. The Hokage made it a rule that no chlid should know about Naruto having the Demon Fox inisde of him, as they would hate him to. Unorftunately, because of the attitude their parants have towards Naruto, the children to look at him with frightaningly cold eyes. It is because of this that Naruto wants to earn the villeges respect by becoming Hokage, then, everyone will finelly recognize that he is Uzuamki Naruto!

Accompanying Naruto on his journey to become Hokage are her rival Uchida Sasuke, the girl he has a crush on Haruno Sakura and his Jounin Sensei, Hakate Kakashi. They will all have to go through tough, emotional and heart breaking obstacles to become the best!

Series Title: Naruto
Adapted From: Naruto Manga Series
Created By: Masashi Kishimoto

Debut: October 3rd, 2002
Finale: Ongoing series

Theme Music:
Opening 01: Rocks by Hound Dog
Opening 02: Haruka Kanata by Asian Kung-Fu Generation
Opening 03: Kanashimi wo Yasashi Ni by Tasuka
Opening 04: GO!!!! by Flow
Opening 05: Seishun Kyosokyoku by Sambomaster

Ending 01: Wind by Akeboshi
Ending 02: Harmonia by Rythem
Ending 03: Viva Rock Japanese Side by Orange Range
Ending 04: ALIVE by Raiko
Ending 05: Ima Made Nando Mo by Mass Missile
Ending 06: Ryuusei by TiA
Ending 07: Mountain A Go Go Two by Captain Stridum

Official Websites:
Offical Naruto (Japanese)
Studio Pierrot's Naruto Website (Japanese)
TV Tokyo's Official Naruto Website (Japanese)

Director: Hayato Date
Character Designers: Tetsuya Nishio and Hirofumi Suzuki
Original Manga: Masashi Kishimoto

Broadcaster: TV Tokyo
Music Recording: TV Tokyo Music
Production: Studio Pierrot, TV Tokyo
Released By: Studio Pierrot Pierrot

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Pulau Komodo adalah sebuah pulau yang terletak di Kepulauan Nusa Tenggara. Pulau Komodo dikenal sebagai habitat asli hewan komodo. Pulau ini juga merupakan kawasan Taman Nasional Komodo yang dikelola oleh Pemerintah Pusat. Pulau Komodo berada di sebelah barat Pulau Sumbawa, yang dipisahkan oleh Selat Sape.

Secara administratif, pulau ini termasuk wilayah Kecamatan Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Pulau Komodo merupakan ujung paling barat Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, berbatasan dengan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat.

Di Pulau Komodo, hewan komodo hidup dan berkembang biak dengan baik. Tahun 2008, di pulau ini hanya terdapat sedikitnya 1200 ekor komodo. Ditambah dengan pulau lain, seperti Pulau Rinca sehingga jumlah mereka keseluruhan menjadi sekitar 2500 ekor.

Selain komodo, pulau ini juga menyimpan eksotisme flora yang beragam kayu sepang yang oleh warga sekitar digunakan sebagi obat dan bahan pewarna pakaian, pohon nitak ini atau sterculia oblongata di yakini berguna sebagai obat dan bijinya gurih dan enak seperti kacang polong.

Krakatau adalah kepulauan vulkanik yang masih aktif dan berada di Selat Sunda antara pulau Jawa dan Sumatra. Nama ini pernah disematkan pada satu puncak gunung berapi di sana yang, karena letusan pada tanggal 26-27 Agustus 1883, kemudian sirna. Letusannya sangat dahsyat dan tsunami yang diakibatkannya menewaskan sekitar 36.000 jiwa. Sampai tanggal 26 Desember 2004, tsunami ini adalah yang terdahsyat di kawasan Samudera Hindia. Suara letusan itu terdengar sampai di Alice Springs, Australia dan Pulau Rodrigues dekat Afrika, 4.653 kilometer. Daya ledaknya diperkirakan mencapai 30.000 kali bom atom yang diledakkan di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki di akhir Perang Dunia II.

Letusan Krakatau menyebabkan perubahan iklim global. Dunia sempat gelap selama dua setengah hari akibat debu vulkanis yang menutupi atmosfer. Matahari bersinar redup sampai setahun berikutnya. Hamburan debu tampak di langit Norwegia hingga New York.

Ledakan Krakatau ini sebenarnya masih kalah dibandingkan dengan letusan Gunung Toba dan Gunung Tambora di Indonesia, Gunung Tanpo di Selandia Baru dan Gunung Katmal di Alaska. Namun gunung-gunung tersebut meletus jauh di masa populasi manusia masih sangat sedikit. Sementara ketika Gunung Krakatau meletus, populasi manusia sudah cukup padat, sains dan teknologi telah berkembang, telegraf sudah ditemukan, dan kabel bawah laut sudah dipasang. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa saat itu teknologi informasi sedang tumbuh dan berkembang pesat.

Tercatat bahwa letusan Gunung Krakatau adalah bencana besar pertama di dunia setelah penemuan telegraf bawah laut. Kemajuan tersebut, sayangnya belum diimbangi dengan kemajuan di bidang geologi. Para ahli geologi saat itu bahkan belum mampu memberikan penjelasan mengenai letusan tersebut.

Danau Toba adalah sebuah danau vulkanik dengan ukuran panjang 100 kilometer dan lebar 30 kilometer yang terletak di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Di tengah danau ini terdapat sebuah pulau vulkanik bernama Pulau Samosir.

Danau Toba sejak lama menjadi daerah tujuan wisata penting di Sumatera Utara selain Bukit Lawang dan Nias, menarik wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara.

(Baca Selengkapnya-->>)
Wednesday 29 July 2009

Audition Ayodance Basic Information

Selamat datang di Audition AyoDance Town, tempat dimana dance menjadi kebiasaan utama dalam hidup penduduknya. Lagu-lagu selalu diputar di setiap tempat. Dan semua orang bergerak sesuai dengan beat lagu yang didengarnya.

Kenapa dance menjadi begitu populer di Audition AyoDance Town ?

Dahulu, Audition AyoDance Town bukanlah tempat yang populer. Lahannya gersang dan tandus, seolah tidak memiliki sumber alami untuk dikembangkan. Hingga suatu saat, datanglah seorang peneliti mineral bernama Yodan Cea menemukan adanya sumber mineral baru di lahan itu. Mineral yang nantinya disebut sebagai “DEN”

Yodan Cea mendapatkan hak eksklusif untuk peredaran DEN ini. Kemudian dia juga mengembangkan lahan yang gersang dan tandus itu menjadi sebuah kota baru. Kota yang diberi nama Audition AyoDance Town. DEN sendiri menjadi mata uang lokal dari Audition AyoDance Town. Tetapi Yodan Cea membatasi peredaran DEN di daerah ini. DEN hanya dapat diperoleh penduduknya bila mereka mampu menunjukkan kebolehannya dalam menari. Hal ini disebabkan karena Yodan Cea sangat menyukai dance.

Dalam waktu singkat, Audition AyoDance Town berkembang pesat menjadi kota yang menarik dengan penduduknya yang selalu berusaha terlihat unik. Broadcasting Station pun didirikan di tengah kota untuk mempermudah penduduknya dalam melakukan dance battle.

Datang dan nikmatilah waktu anda di Audition AyoDance Town ~ dance for life ~ AyoDance !!

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Ayo dukung Indonesia!

Pemilihan 7 keajaiban milik dunia kembali digelar, berbeda dengan kriteria sebelumnya dengan keajaiban yang dibuat secara sengaja oleh manusia dalam bentuk bangunan, kali ini panitia mengajak dunia untuk memilih 7 keajaiban baru milik dunia yang bukan dari buatan manusia.

Sudah terpilih sebanyak 77 tempat di seluruh dunia dari berbagai kategori, dan Indonesia mengajukan atau setidaknya sudah terpilih sebanyak 3 tempat eksotik, antara lain:

1. Komodo National Park
2. Krakatau, Volcanic Island
3. Lake Toba

vote untuk Indonesia!

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